Friday, July 22, 2011


Fire melts iron with iron,
So also discerns the taint from gold;
May it merge with me my love,
Isolate the evil which keeps me cold.

From my first breath, till the last,
The present will in future be past;
At all times must stay by my side,
This fire in me, be high or low tide.

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

You and Us

You gave us legs, we trampled the earth,
You gave us hands, now we kill since birth;
You gave us eyes, but not the sight,
You gave us speech, now we speak to fight;

You gave us ears, but another’s cries we cannot hear,
You gave us air, and we filled it up with fear;
You gave us a heart that can hurt more than a fall,
O! But why did you give us a brain. Now we doubt if you gave us anything at all.

Note: The use of the word ‘brain’ instead of the word ‘Mind’ is deliberate. As according to the Indian philosophies (and many others all over the world), ‘Mind’ is equated with consciousness as well as the soul. ‘Mind’ gives us peace. ‘Mind’ helps us control our desires and emotions. ‘Mind’ helps us find the ultimate truth.

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